Goal Planning System

Unlock your potential with our goal-planning system. Stay focused, achieve your goals, and enjoy more time with your loved ones. Craft your one-page blueprint today and start living with intention!



Staying focused and executing your goals can be challenging in this fast-paced, crazy world. This is why I've developed a powerful quarterly planning system for busy entrepreneurs and executive parents. My goal-planning system acts like a GPS for your life, ensuring you stay on track and reach your destinations efficiently.

Imagine a life where you wake up each day with a clear plan, confidently tackling your most important tasks and still having time to enjoy the moments that matter most. No more feeling overwhelmed by unexpected detours and distractions. But without the right system, the chaos of daily life can leave you feeling stuck and unproductive.

Picture yourself as a successful entrepreneur or manager, leading your team with ease and efficiency. Your workdays are productive, your evenings are relaxed, and you have actual free time to spend with family and friends, free from the nagging stress of unfinished tasks. You need a system that ensures your goals are met, your work-life balance is maintained, and you are living your life with intention and joy.

I’ve been in your shoes. I’ve bought every planner on the planet, always searching for the perfect one that would give me more time to run my businesses and be with my family. It felt like I was constantly chasing an elusive dream, always one step behind. That’s when I realized the problem wasn’t with me; it was with the system I was using. So, I created my own.

The Goal Planning System

To truly understand the flow and simplicity of GPS you will need to experience it yourself. There is much more to it but below is a sneak peek into what I call the "big 4".

Quarterly Planning Sessions

Gain clarity on your goals and create daily, weekly, and monthly routines that systematically lead you to success. You’ll have a one-page blueprint to keep you focused and intentional.

One Page Monthly Planning

Forget long complicated multi page overwhelming planners... you need to simplify to amplify

Start quickly and efficiently crafting your month to ensure you are aligned with your quarterly goals and are moving the needle towards success

Break down your most important personal and business KPIs on a single sheet, making it easy to stay on track.

Weekly Review/Preview

Stop waking up at the beginning of the week with aimlessness, anxiety, and a to do list that you don't know will get done

Get your weekly cadence scheduled and your mind cleared of the million little things you need to do so you can spend the week focusing on what matters most

Plan your block scheduling and tasks for the week with a simplified process that ensures nothing important is overlooked.

Daily 2 Page Sheets

Set yourself up for success each day with our easy-to-use, two-page daily sheets that track your most important tasks and keep you focused.

How many times have you set goals only to not think about them for days or weeks? You will now review your goals daily and have a plan of attack for the day within minutes.


Happy Clients

The thing for me that sets Joe apart from others is his humility. I see a real person when I'm dealing with Joe, and he has helped me to take action to reach goals and achieve my dreams.

James Laws


Joe's approach is different from others because it's simple, ... the breakdown, everything that he offers, it's simple to use.

Hugo Gloria

Account Executive

Joe has compassion with intention. Whether it's starting a business, getting a promotion or just finding your true joy... Joe's intention is real, and he cares about your success.


Retail Manager